Estudos Científicos
A bibliografia a respeito dos trabalhos científicos desenvolvidos sobre a Terapia do Calor provém dos Estados Unidos. Para a realização destes trabalhos, foi utilizado um produto americano similar ao BodiHeat (o Thermacare), o qual fornece apenas 8 horas de calor, lembrando que o BodiHeat proporciona calor por pelo menos 12 horas.
Abeln SB, Weingand KW, Erasala G, Hengehold D, Barnes PW, Steiner D. Overnight treatment with continuous low level topical heat therapy provides effective relief of low back pain. Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association. 2000; 41(2):307(abstract).
Akin MD, Weingand KW, Hengehold DA, Goodale MB, Hinkle RT, Smith RP. The use of continuous topical heat in the treatment of dysmenorrhea. Obstetrics & Gynecology. 200197:343-49.
Akin MD. Weingand KW, Hengehold DA,Goodale MB, Hinkle RT, Smith RP. The use of continuous topical heat in the treatment of dysmenorrhea. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Central Association of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 1999(abstract).
Erasala GN, Rubin JM, Tuthill TA, Fowlkes JB, de Drue SE, Hengehold DA, Weingand KW. The effect of topical heat treatment on trapezius muscle blood flow using power doppler ultrasound. Physical Therapy 2001; 81(5):A5 (abstract).
Harris H, Stevenson S, Baldwin A, Weingand KW, and Dudley G. Strength and Soreness after eccentric exercise. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 1998; 30(5): S102.
Miller R, Biggerstaff K, Lynn G, Abeln S, Goodale MB, Williams D, Weingand K: Continuous, Low-Level HeatWrap Use in Professional Baseball: Results of a Usage Study. Accepted for podium presentation, NATA Annual Meeting and Clinical Symposia, June 2002. (abstract).
Mulkern, R.V., N. McDannold, K. Hynynen, J. Fielding, L. Panych, F.A. Jolesz, and K. Weingand. Temperature distribution changes in low back muscles during applied topical heat: a magnetic resonance thermometry study. Proceedings of the seventeenth annual meeting of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. Philadelphia, PA, May 22-28, 1999, p. 1054.
Nadler S, DePrince ML, Stitik T, Reisman S, Hengehold D, and Weingand KW. Experimentally induced trapezius fatigue and the effects of topical heat on the EMG power density spectrum. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 1999; 80:1123.
Nadler S, Weingand KW, and Kruse R. Therapeutic Heat and Cold Modalities: When, Why and How to use them. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2000; 32(S5), S77.
Nadler SF, Feinberg JH, Reisman S, Stitik TP, DePrince ML Hengehold D, Weingand K: The Effect of Topical Heat on the EMG Power Density Spectrum in Subjects with Myofascial Pain and Normal Controls. American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 2001 Nov;80(11):809-15.
Nadler S, Weingand KW, Stitik T, Kruse R. Pain relief runs hot and cold. Biomechanics. 2001; 8(1).
Nadler SF, Weingand KW, O'Conner A. Mini-symposium therapeutic modalities: New concepts and Directions. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2001; 33(5) supplement; S274.
Nadler SF, Steiner DJ, Erasala GN, Hengehold DA, Hinkle RT, Goodale MB, Abeln SB and Weingand KW. Continuous low-level heatwrap therapy is more effective than ibuprofen and acetaminophen for acute low back pain. Proceedings of the 4th Interdisciplinary World Congress on Low Back and Pelvic Pain, Montreal Canada; November 8-10, 2001(abstract).
Nadler SF, Steiner DJ, Erasala GN, Hengehold DA, Hinkle RT, Goodale MB, Abeln SB and Weingand KW. Continuous low-level heatwrap therapy provides more efficacy than ibuprofen and acetaminophen for acute low back pain. Spine, May 15, 2002; 27:1012-1017.
Nadler SF, Steiner DJ, Erasala GN, Hengehold DA, Abeln SB and Weingand KW. Continuous low level heatwrap therapy for treating acute, nonspecific low back pain. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (in press, 2002).
Nadler SF, Steiner DJ, Petty SP, Erasala GN, Hengehold DA and Weingand KW. Overnight use of continuous low level heatwrap therapy for relief of low back pain. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (in press, 2002).
Reid RW, Foley JM, Prior BM, Weingand KW, and Meyer RA. Mild topical heat increases popliteal blood flow as measured by MRI.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 1999; 31(5): S208.
Simmonds MJ, Weingand KW, Lee CE, Vongsirinavarat M, and Jones S. The effect of a single treatment of heat and exercise on pain and performance in patients with low back problems. Physical Therapy 2002; 80(5): S26.
Smith RP. Heat Therapy: The next hot topic. Female Patient: 27(May); pp. 00-00 (in press).
Steiner D, Erasala G, Hengehold D, Goodale MB, and Weingand KW. Continuous low-level heat therapy for acute muscular low back pain. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society 2000, pg. 112.
Steiner D, Erasala G, Hengehold D, Goodale MB, and Weingand KW. Continuous low-level heat therapy for trapezius myalgia. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Pain Society 2000, pg 171. 2000.
Stout R, Weingand K, Nadler S. New therapeutic approaches in the treatment of occupational injuries. Presented at the American Occupational Health Conference 2002, Chicago, Ill. Session 2501. April 18, 2002. Proceedings page 427.
Weingand KW, Hengehold D, Knight E, Hinkle R, Combs L, McNutt B, Harris H, Stevenson S, and Dudley G. Topical heat provides pain relief of delayed onset muscle soreness of the distal quadriceps muscles. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 31(5). 1999.
Weingand KW, Hengehold D, Knight E, Hinkle R, Combs L, McNutt B, Harris H, Stevenson S, and Dudley G. Does unilateral topical heat treatment provide bilateral pain releif of delayed onset muscle soreness of the thigh? Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on Pain-International Association for the Study of Pain, Vienna Austria , 454. 8-27-1999(abstract).
Weingand KW, Erasala G, Hengehold D, Goodale MB, Steiner D, and Nadler S. Continuous low level heat therapy is effective for treating low back pain. Proceedings, Low back pain and disability: unraveling the puzzle . 11-30-2000.
Weingand KW, Erasala G, Hengehold D, Goodale MB, Steiner D, and Nadler S. Continuous low level heat therapy is effective for treating low back pain. Proceedings, Fourth International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders. September 30-October 4, 2001. A msterdam, The Netherlands (abstract).
Zinger M, Weingand KW, Robins JC, Petty S, Sagel P, and Thomas MA. Symptomatic relief of primary dysmenorrhea with transdermal heat. Presented at the Society of Gynecological Investigators Year 2001 Annual Meeting.